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Pages tagged "x: amanda cohn"

NO involuntary mental health care in private hospitals

In the fallout of the resignation of two‑thirds of staff specialist psychiatrists at NSW Health, the Government is not only moving public psychiatric patients into private hospitals but also actively considering whether involuntary patients—those detained under the Mental Health Act 2007 (NSW)—can also be admitted to private hospitals. If someone...

Let's Fix Public Toilets

Some people might not spend much time thinking about public toilets. But for those it does affect, it’s clear how much better they could be. Something as simple as getting public toilets right can make or break whether a significant number of people are able to fully participate in community...

Remind the Premier that Abortion is Health Care

The Premier recently said in the NSW Parliament that the public hospital network has a role to play in abortion provision, and that those services will be fully funded and available. We need to hold the Premier to his word. Please join us by writing to Premier Chris Minns calling...

Abortion is Health Care

In NSW, it's been five years since abortion was removed from the Crimes Act and regulated as health care, as it should be.  It was a critical first step to ensuring safe and legal abortion is accessible across NSW. But since then, far too little has changed. People who need...

Let's Fix Public Toilets in NSW

Something as simple as getting public toilets right can make or break whether a significant number of people are able to fully participate in community life. Few know this better than people with chronic medical conditions, parents of young children, people with a disability and carers, people on their period...

No more tinkering around the edges: Fix Mental Health Care NOW

Would you like to be kept updated on my work in Health including Mental Health? The NSW mental health inquiry has just handed down its report, making a heap of recommendations to address issues like dire funding shortages across the mental health system and poor emergency response models for mental...

Nurses & Midwives need a raise, not just praise

Would you like to sign up to our mailing list to get updates regarding my work in Health? Nurses and midwives around NSW are sick of only ever getting praise - they deserve a raise. The NSW Government’s latest pay offer is insulting to nurses and midwives. They’ve been offered...

Join the campaign to Stop Waste Incinerators in NSW

Equality Without Exceptions

Help us strengthen anti-discrimination laws in NSW. Discrimination against LGBTIQA+ people has no place in our laws or our community. However, in NSW, exceptions for religious bodies, private education authorities, and small workplaces allow discrimination to continue. The NSW Anti‑Discrimination Act protects trans men and women but it doesn't protect...