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STATEMENT: Equality Bill delayed until October

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Amanda Cohn
NSW Greens MP
8 August 2024

The Minns Labor government has just pushed debate on the Equality Bill back until October.

NSW has the worst laws in Australia for LGBTQIA+ people, and this impacts our communities every day. The Equality Bill would make a tangible impact for LGBTQIA+ people, and it could have passed last year if the Minns Labor government decided to support it.

Kicking the can down the road on this critical reform is sheer hypocrisy from the first Premier to march in the Sydney Mardi Gras parade, and who gave a historic apology to those impacted by the criminalisation of homosexuality over 40 years ago. It’s past time for the Premier to walk the talk and support this bill, which the cross-bench is ready to pass.

The Equality Bill would amend the Anti-Discrimination Act to protect bisexual, asexual, non-binary people, and sex workers. It would allow people to alter their birth certificates without the violating and medically unnecessary surgery. It would improve access to gender affirming care and empower young people to make informed decisions about their own health. It would make spaces safer for trans people that have too long been inaccessible, such as sporting communities.

The Government says that this delay is to ensure that there aren't unintended consequences of the bill, but what they've failed to account for is the ongoing harm caused by delaying it.

The message this delay sends is clear: LGBTQIA+ people are not a priority for the NSW government. The Greens will continue to push the government to ensure equality without exception for LGBTQIA+ people in NSW.

MEDIA CONTACT: Josh Appleton - [email protected], 02 9230 2566

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Amanda Cohn
NSW Greens MP
8 August 2024


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