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PARLIAMENT: World Blood Donor Day

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Amanda Cohn
NSW Greens MP
19 June 2024

My motion about the importance of blood donations following World Blood Donor Day has just passed the NSW Parliament! Read the text of that motion below.


(1) I move that this House notes that:

a. World Blood Donor Day was Friday 14 June 2024;

b. Australia needs 1.7 million blood donations every year to meet demand;

c. a blood donation is needed every 18 seconds in Australia for cancer patients, people living with blood disorders, for surgery and birth;

d. currently, only 3 per cent of the Australian population donates blood even though 58 per cent of the population is eligible;

e. blood has a 42-day shelf life, meaning consistent donations are required to maintain blood supply levels;

f. increased respiratory infections during the winter months leads to reduced donations;

g. from May to September, blood supply levels are most likely to drop to "very low";

h. the Lifeblood Blood Supply Update was launched on 12 June 2024, allowing blood levels to be viewed online in real time; and

i. on 18 June 2024, New South Wales blood supply levels showed a critical need for donations of A-positive, B‑negative and O-positive blood types within the next five days.


(2)That this House notes that:

a. blood donation rules have been changed to allow those who have received a tattoo to donate blood just seven days after a new tattoo or to donate plasma straightaway, instead of the previous four-month waiting period; and

b. the Therapeutic Goods Administration has approved a new plasma pathway for people of any sexual orientation and people taking HIV pre-exposure prophylactic medication to be eligible to donate plasma without any waiting periods.


(3)That this House encourages all eligible residents of New South Wales to donate blood in winter 2024.


Motion agreed to.

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Amanda Cohn
NSW Greens MP
19 June 2024


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